Virtual Staging Menu

Do you need help with staging your residence for sale? I offer virtual staging services!

Simply select a package below, and contact me to schedule a consult!


Package 1


1-3 spaces; Virtual staging consultation and pdf checklist of staging suggestions. Client provides 3-5 photos per space.

Standard turn around time is 2 business days from time of receiving photos.

Package 2


4-6 Spaces; Virtual Staging consultation and pdf checklist of staging suggestions. Client provides 3-5 photos or a video walkthrough of all needed areas.

Standard turn around time is 2 business days after receiving photos or video


Package 3


7+ Spaces; Virtual staging consultation and pdf checklist of staging suggestions. Client provides 3-5 photos or a video walk-through of all needed areas.

Standard turn around time is 2 business days after receiving photos or video

On Site walk-through staging consult

$125 add-on to any package pricing

Designer will schedule 1 hour onsite walk through of property, take photos and notes, and speak to homeowner. and provide full staging consultation checklist and summary.